Something that separates this from all the other pseudo-mindbending flashes on this site is...
It's got quite an interesting story.
Something that separates this from all the other pseudo-mindbending flashes on this site is...
It's got quite an interesting story.
That was great. Thought it was going to turn out all sacramental and soppy, but you pulled if off great, lol.
What's even better though, is reading the negative reviews for this.
Very interesting.
Shame it was only part 1 though. And was that 'TV on the Radio' I was hearing?
Aaaah, classic Madness.
This was before the series took a strange turn when the improbability generator was turned on.
A good old Spaghetti Western feel to this one, with some John Woo thrown. That elevator scene alone warrants this a watch.
HAHA, Awesome man!
I loved all the homages you made to the zombie franchise, with Curtis from Dawn of the Dead and most of all... Captain Rhodes, lol, he was perfect, especially his death ;D
And I was a bit miffed about the shopkeeper getting offed, but in the end, he had the last laugh.
Also, I was quite surprised, you handled things like tensions and suspense EXTREMELY Well. Mainly those bits where they split up to explore the bunker, I must say, you took me a bit by surprise there!
I've really noticed the improvement in your animation, so all in all, this was a lot better than the first. You managed to incorporate humorous tie ins to the movies which made the whole thing have a bit of it's own style. Can't wait for part 3!
I applaud you.
Joined on 9/5/09